Key Stage 1 (age 5 – 7 years) and Key Stage 2 (age 7 – 11 years) encompass children from Year 1 to Year 6 in school. These two stages of educational provision build on the learning that has taken place in Nursery and Reception classes and develop children’s intellectual, physical, social and emotional learning further.
In Key Stages 1 and 2, learning is planned around creative topics. We aim to link children’s learning wherever possible, as this helps comprehension and understanding of the content, skills and concepts being covered. The National Curriculum is incorporated into our school curriculum design and we ask that children and parents also contribute their ideas at the initial planning stage, so that we maximise the interest level for children and call upon any expertise that we have within our local community. Some areas of the maths, science and literacy curriculum will be taught outside of the topic based teaching when appropriate. Our aim is to keep all children as involved and interested in their learning as we can by planning a stimulating curriculum that includes practical activities, days out to places of interest, varied visitors coming into school and the provision of a range of teaching and learning styles to suit all pupils. Children’s progress is regularly monitored and assessed and work is planned to meet particular needs.
The Key Stages 1 and 2 curriculum provision includes the following subject areas of learning which may be taught separately or within our topic based approach:
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Computing
- Design Technology
- History
- Geography
- Art
- Religious Education
- Physical Education and Games
- Swimming (in year 4)
- Music
- French (in KS2)
- Personal Social and Health Education and Citizenship
- Specialist music teachers provide lessons for a range of instruments. A small charge is made to parents for these lessons
Letters and Sounds is used as basis for planning the phonics curriculum in Early Years and KS1. A number of other resources are used such as Phonics Play and Espresso.