We have a comfortable medical room and a number of fully qualified First Aiders. If a child becomes unwell, bumps his or her head, or has a bad accident whilst at school, we will contact you immediately. If a child requires regular medication, a Health Care Plan will be drawn up and signed by parents and the Welfare Assistant.
The more information given to us about children’s health and medical history, the better we can care for them. Whilst we administer long term medication, eg asthma inhalers and hay fever relief, we do not administer antibiotics or painkillers. We ask that parents do not send in any medication with their child. Parents are encouraged to come in and talk about any health matters or concerns with our Welfare Officer.
When a child is too ill to come to school, we ask that parents telephone or e-mail the school office before 9.00 am. If a child has had an infection, stomach upset or has been vomiting, we ask parents to ensure he/she is free of it for 24 hours before returning to school. If your child becomes ill at school we will contact you. If your child develops an infectious disease such as Chicken Pox or German Measles please let us know as soon as possible so we can inform other parents.
The school will inform parents if there is a case of head lice in their child’s class so that everyone can be vigilant and keep a check on their child’s hair.
Please let us know if your child;
- has any dietary restrictions
- has any allergies e.g. foods, milk, plasters etc
- suffers from hay fever, asthma etc.
- has any ongoing health problems-
- has had any operations or health issues in the past
- Any social or emotional issues you feel we should know about
- Wears glasses, needs hearing aids etc.
Welfare Officer