We believe that parents are the first educators of their children and, therefore, we encourage a close partnership between parents and school from the outset. Regular school tours take place during the year to allow families to visit. Before the children start in the Nursery or Reception classes, children and parents attend an open day event. In addition, school staff make home visits in early September.
Parents receive regular newsletters from school. Infant and Early Years staff send weekly letters home which cover homework and the week’s learning news. Junior children use a homework diary or teachers liaise with parents over the Internet via on-line learning platforms which are secure managed learning environments. Throughout the year, a range of workshops are held to keep parents informed about curriculum matters and to suggest ways to support children at home.
Open Evenings are held each term for more formal contact between parents and teachers. In the summer term, parents are given an end of year printed report. If parents would like to chat about issues relating to their children at any other time, they are welcome to call in before or after school, telephone or e-mail us.
Parents are invited to class and school assemblies, concerts and events from time to time. We welcome support from parents in school and on trips. This can be arranged by prior discussion with the class teacher. In line with national guidelines, all parents and helpers who spend time in school are required to hold a full DBS check, details of which can be obtained at the school office.
School Tour for Prospective Parents (Nursery)
February 11 @ 9:40 am - 10:00 amHalf Term Break
February 17 - February 21Return to School
February 24School Tour for Prospective Parents (Nursery)
February 25 @ 9:40 am - 10:00 amLast Day of Term
April 4