Attendance & Punctuality

Spring Grove stresses the importance of all pupils having good attendance. We believe that when children develop positive patterns of attendance and punctuality they have the best possible chance of thriving in school.

Children may enter the school between 8.45 am and 8.55 am. The teachers will be in their classrooms from 8.45am to welcome them. All children should be in class by 8.55am ready to start learning. Nursery’s 15 hours run from 8.45 am to 11.45 am.

If your child is ill or absent for any reason you MUST inform the school office by 9:00 am by phoning on 020 8560 0965 on everyday of absence.

School ends at 3.20 pm for Infants and 3.25pm for Juniors.

Holidays during term time

Parents should avoid taking children out of school during term time, as this proves very disruptive to children’s progress. If leave is taken during the term, it will be classified as unauthorised absence, apart from in exceptional circumstances. If families take term time leave, they may jeopardise their child’s place in school. Please speak to the office staff before taking children out of school during term time.

Attendance Target

Parents should aim for 95% or higher attendance for their children. If a pupil’s attendance drops below this, it will be monitored by the school in conjunction with the parents. The Education Welfare Service will become involved when attendance falls below 90%. It is in every child’s best interest to be learning in school for the maximum amount of days each term. Please see our Attendance Policy for more information.

The School Day

School starts at:
8:45 am – Nursery
8:55 am – Reception – Year 6 (doors open at 8:45am)

Lunch :
12.00 pm – 1.00 pm – 30 hour Nursery
12.00 pm – 1.00 pm – Reception to Year 2
12.15 pm – 1.15 pm   – Year 3 to Year 6

School ends at:
11:45 am – 15 hour Nursery (Children must be collected by an adult)
2:45 pm – 30 hour Nursery (Children must be collected by an adult or signed up for additional hours )
3.:20pm – Reception – Year 2 (Children must be collected by an adult or Sunshine Club)
3.:25pm – Year 3 – Year 6

End of day arrangements for pupils:
We keep a record of what your end of day arrangements are and who should be collecting your children. If there are any sudden changes to your normal routine please call the school office to let us know in advance.


To update the information, please visit Online Forms

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