School meals are cooked on site from our carefully planned menus; we aim to cater for all tastes and any allergies that children might have. The school menu offers a variety of meat, vegetarian and halal options, with a salad bar, fresh bread, fresh fruit and pudding. Water is always available. Children are encouraged to eat a balanced meal.
Reception to Year 2 children are currently entitled to a free school meal under the Universal Free School Meals scheme. We ask all infant children to have a school meal. Some children may be entitled to Free School Meals because of low income, it is important that you apply for free school meals if you think you are eligible as this option entitles your child to other benefits such as free school milk after their fifth birthday and a reduction in the cost of school trips.
School Meals need to be booked and paid for in advance by login in to your Parent Pay account.
Lunchtime Supervisors look after the children, supervising them in the dining hall and encouraging them to play happily and safely outside. The school has a large outdoor play structure and also provides small apparatus for play at lunchtimes.
School Milk
School Milk is available in school for all primary-aged pupils for a small cost each term. Milk orders must be placed on line via CoolMilk.
Families entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) are entitled to free school milk. Please register on line via CoolMilk.