
“The study of geography is about more than just memorizing places on a map. It’s about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it’s about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together.”Barack Obama, 2012

That’s why at Spring Grove we believe all children come to school already exposed to the world of geography. 

We endeavour to build and expand upon their pre-existing skills and knowledge in hopes that their inquisitive nature can facilitate them to become young explorers. We are passionate that both their potential as explorers and the subject of geography have no bounds. 

Throughout their time in school, our inquisitive inquirers get many opportunities to put their geographical skills and knowledge into practice. From a local walk to the post box in Early Years to visiting another country, France, in Year 6! Year 5 test their skills and knowledge at Sayers Croft. In fact, every year group goes on expeditions outside of the classroom. The children are given the opportunity to use a range of transport, plan journeys and have lots of fun, but that’s not all! Our children receive visitors in school, where they explore far off lands through drama and music, share stories, pictures and language from around the world.

When they leave our school, pupils are equipped not only with the fundamental skills and knowledge of geography but leave open-minded problem-solvers, eager to explore their world and are deeply appreciative of the importance of cultural sensitivity.

How we plan...

There is a tremendous emphasis on encouraging young geographers through kinaesthetic learning, supported by guidance from The National Curriculum 2014, Development Matters and the Early Learning Goals (The World, People and Community, Technology and Being imaginative).

There is a strong emphasis on the four areas below. Click links for progression documents.

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