Online Learning

Here are some useful websites full of fun activities and resources to help children in their learning. Spring Grove children are given usernames and passwords to be able to access these sites. Please speak to the class teacher if you don’t have/forgotten the login details.

A captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond.
Discovery Espresso
Discovery Education Espresso is the video-rich, cross-curricular service that has won multiple awards. Suitable for Foundation to Year 6 pupils.
Reading Eggs
Reading Eggs is the online reading programme that helps children learn to read. Hundreds of online reading lessons, phonics games and books for ages 2–13.
An award-winning website to help support children’s learning, both at home and at school.
Times Tables Rockstars
Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice aimed at schools.Each week concentrates on a different times table. Use your LGFL username and Password
 Phonics Play
A site packed with interactive phonics games and many resources to help children to learn.

Staff and pupils can easily access all USO authenticated services, plus any additional web-based services linked alongside, myUSO presents a simple, convenient and organised route to online resources for schools.
myUSO is a free service available to USO-enabled schools, and can be accessed via using student USO account.

Other useful sites

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