Nursery Offer 2024

Thank you for choosing Spring Grove Primary School.

Please complete the form below to accept/decline the offer we made . Your acceptance must be submitted by Tuesday 16th April 2024.
Once we receive your acceptance, we will email you more information about your child’s transition to our Nursery.

Please note:
A place in the Nursery does not guarantee a place in our Reception Class in September 2025. You will need to apply online for Reception admission via London Borough of Hounslow e-admission portal.

Nursery 2024 OFFER

Nursery 2024 OFFER

Nursery 2024 Offer Reply Form

Pupil Information

I wish to *

30 Hour Nursery

- Please note that the offer for a 30-hour Nursery place is subject to your eligibility. To check your eligibility and find out more information, please visit

- All children to attend five days a week (during term time) from 8:45am to 2:45pm.

Please confirm

Stay & Play Sessions

Thank you for accepting the offer for a Nursery place at Spring Grove.

As part of our Nursery transition, we would like to invite you and your son/daughter to a Play & Stay session in July and a home visit in September.

Home visits are for our Nursery staff to get to know your child in a familiar environment. Please select your preferred days/times for both.

Stay & Play Sessions - please select your preferred day

Home Visits

Our Nursery staff will carry out home visits between Wednesday, 5th and Tuesday 12th September. The home visit is for you, your child and our staff to have some time to talk in the comfort of your own home. It is reassuring for your child to meet their new teacher and Early Years teaching assistant in a situation where they feel confident and in familiar surroundings. These sessions will last for about 30-40 minutes

Please let us know if you are available during the week of 6th to 12th September for us to carry out the home visit .

Previous Schools/Educational Settings

Nursery staff will be contacting your previous Nursery/Child minders if you have any. Please contact them and give your consent to share information with us
Has your child been to any childcare settings ? ie nursery, child minder
Are you happy for our Nursery Staff to contact your previous Nursery/setting?

Accepting the offer

I accept the offer and I have read and understood the following;

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