Nursery Inkpen 2023-2024
Autumn One
Welcome to Spring Grove Nursery Song
Stay and Play
We welcomed our new Nursery pupils, parents and carers to our Stay and Play sessions where the children can explore their new surroundings and meet new friends.
Settling In
We were very brave and came in without our parents and carers this week.
Our First Week
We enjoyed our first full week at Nursery.
This week we have:
- learnt to say goodbye to our parents and carers at the door
- made new friends
- learnt the names of our teachers and new friends
- learnt the rules and routines of Nursery
Incey Wincey Spider
To know what up and down means
To explore the vocabulary up, down, spout, guttering To know what spiders eat and how they catch their food. To know about webs To develop more fine motor control. To join in with a Nursery rhyme |