At Spring Grove we believe all children can achieve in science. It is important that our children and families are not only equipped with the scientific vocabulary, skills, knowledge of the world around us, but leave the school as caring, inquisitive individuals who show a  scientific understanding of the past and present and its implications for our future.

We intend to do this by not only providing a structured and progressive framework for the children to follow on their scientific journey through school, but also by harnessing opportunities from the curriculum, cross curricular themes, and planned themed days or weeks.

Our pupils are...

  • Collaborators
  • Team Players
  • Resourceful
  • Reflective Thinkers
  • Questioners

Our pupils have...

  • the knowledge and understanding of the scientific curriculum
  • a love for nature
  • an understanding of the how the past and present can have an impact on their future

How do we plan?

The Long Term and Medium Term Plans in Key Stage 1 and 2 are guided by the National Curriculum 2014 and Programmes of Study. They are used to  provide progression and a broad and balanced curriculum. This means that some units are taught once across the key stages and some units are taught twice to enable greater breadth and or depth.

In the Early Years, the science curriculum is embedded in the Early Years Goals, through themed activities.

Across the school, there is strong emphasis on:




Science Lessons across all stages, provide opportunities for the pupils:

  • to build on prior learning,
  • develop key scientific vocabulary,
  • explore science in a meaningful way by relating it to real life,
  • promote deep thinking and questioning.

This may involve a range of strategies including:

  • use of the outdoor learning, visual and auditory resources,
  • varied groupings,
  • themed STEM weeks or days,
  • extra – curricular activities trips, visitors and clubs.
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