Thames Young Mariners – Dietary & Medical Needs Form Child’s First Name * Child’s Last Name * Does your child have any Special Dietary needs? * Yes No, they can eat anything If you have a requirement for a particular diet, the centre is able to cater for most. Please select from the following options. Halal Vegetarian/Vegan Lactose Free Gluten Free Coeliac Artificial Colours/Additive Free Nut Free Allergen Free PKU Prader Willi Glycemic Foods Diabetic OtherOther Does your child have any Medical needs? * Yes No Please enter a brief description of medical needs Our First Aider will carry ‘Calpol’ with them. Are you happy for the school staff to administer Calpol, if needed? * Yes I am happy for school staff to administer Calpol if needed No Does your child need any other medication during the trip? * Yes No If ‘Yes’, please remember to hand over the medicine to Mrs Turska by Thursday 11th May. Names & Dosage of Medication (ie. Asthma Inhaler, EpiPen, Piriton etc) Please do not include Calpol. Medication Dosage & when to administer plus1 Add minus1 Remove Parent Name * Email * If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ