REFERENCE REQUEST – TEACHER 1. To undertake the teaching of general subjects as well as pastoral and administrative duties in respect of pupils in Reception class as well as the general responsibilities in the school. Applicant’s Name * Post applied Brief description of duties of the post:To undertake the teaching of general subjects as well as pastoral and administrative duties in respect of pupils in class as well as the general responsibilities in the school. 2. Name of the organisation * Exact dates this reference relates to * In what capacity did the candidate work within the organisation? * What were the main tasks and objectives of the role? * 3. Please tell us about the candidate’s strengths, qualities and achievements in the role(s). The quality of teaching * Ability to manage behaviour and the quality of relationships they establish with pupils * Ability to set high standards, and create a culture of high achievement and success * Quality of relationships established with colleagues and parents * 4. What do you consider are their areas for development? * Is the candidate reliable and honest? * Yes No If NO, please provide details * If you have any concerns about the candidate’s honesty, reliability or relationships with others, please tell us about them. Do you know of any reason that this candidate may not be suitable to work with children? * Yes No If YES, , please explain why and give details. * Has the applicant been subject to disciplinary procedures? * Yes No If YES, , please give details. * Within the last 2 years, have they been subject to capability procedures? * Yes No If YES, , please give details. * Do you recommend this candidate for this role at our school without any reservations? * Yes No If ‘NO’, please provide details * Are there any other comments or additional information (positive or otherwise) you would like to add? * Would you be happy for these comments to be shared with the candidate? * Yes No 5. Details of Referee Your Name * Your job title and organisation that relates to this reference * Your Contact Number * Email * Relationship to applicant * Number of years known applicant/Dates that they worked with you * Date * Your Signature * signature keyboard Clear If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ