REFERENCE REQUEST - School Midday Supervisor REFERENCE REQUEST - School Midday Supervisor Brief description of duties of the post Managing and supervising pupils aged 4 to 11 years during lunchtime break ensuring the children's safety and wellbeing. For more information, please refer to the document we sent you. Name of Applicant * Post applied: * In what capacity do you know the applicant? * General information relating to the applicant’s suitability * Are you able to recommend this candidate for this role at our school without any reservations? * Yes No If your answer is no, please explain your reservations. * Do you know of any reason that this candidate may not be suitable to work with children? * Yes No If yes, please explain why and give details. * Section Your Name Position held Your Telephone/Mobile Number Email * Relationship to applicant: * Number of years known applicant * Signature signature keyboard Clear Date Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ .