Reading Survey 2022 – Nursery

Parent Survey (Nursery) – Reading 2022


Are you a confident reader in your first language?
Do you have books in your house?
Does your child see you or another adult reading in the home?
Does your child belong to a library?
Do you go to the library with your child regularly?
My child loves reading
What is your child’s favourite thing to read?
An adult reads daily with my child at home
An adult reads daily with my child at home
If no, why don’t you?

I am able to help my child with their phonics when reading
My child regularly brings books home from school
My child changes their free choice book regularly
My child enjoys the books he/she brings home
I talk to my child about the stories they are reading, the characters, the pictures etc and ask them questions, to check their understanding
Would you like workshops on how to support your child when reading?
Would you like to have a list of recommended books for your child’s year group/Key Stage to help you help them choose books more effectively?

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