2024 - EARLY YEARS QUESTIONNAIRE 2024 - EARLY YEARS QUESTIONNAIRE Child's Full Name * Class * NurseryReception LANGUAGE What is your child’s first language that they speak with confidence? * Does your child speak a second language? * Yes No What is the second language? * How does your child communicate in English? * by using single words by using 2 or 3 words by repeating words by using short sentences by using complex sentences (including words like ‘and’ and ‘because’) Please comment on your child’s communication and language skills in their home language, if it is not English? * BEHAVIOUR Does your child follow your instructions? * Yes No Does your child listen to others in a small group? * Yes No Has your child learnt how to share? * Yes No Is your child able to play in a friendly manner alongside other children? * Yes No Please tell us if you have any concerns about your child’s behaviour? * PREVIOUS EXPERIENCES Has your child interacted with other children who are not family members? * Yes No Has your child been to any previous settings? ie. toddler group, children’s centre, playgroup, etc. * Yes No Have you left your child in the care of others before? ie. nursery, child minder, crèche, with a family member etc. * Yes No How did your child find this experience? * ROUTINES We expect all nursery children to be out of nappies and pull ups before they come to nursery in September. Please see your health visitor for assistance with this if you need help. Does your child follow a set routine with regards to eating and sleeping? * Yes No What time does your child to go to sleep at night? * What time does your child wake up in the morning? * Does your child sleep in the afternoon? * Yes No FAMILY CIRCUMSTANCES Do you have any family circumstances that you would like to share with us? ie.For example, family separations, access restriction, social care involvement, poor accommodation, income support, health issues. (confidential) * Yes No Comments - Please let us know if you prefer to talk to us in person. * SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Does your child have a disability or special need which may require special attention? For example, a hearing or visual impairment, developmental delay etc. * Yes No Details of Needs * Has your child been referred to any agencies? For example, a Speech and Language Therapist, Child Development team etc. * Yes No Details * Does your child have an EHCP - Education Healthcare Plan (SEN)? * Yes No Has a request for a Statutory Assessment of SEN been agreed? * Yes No CONCERNS Do you have any concerns about your child starting in Nursery? ADDITINAL INFORMATION In this space you could include information about your child’s interests, talents and strengths. For example, you could let us know if your child is able to show original ideas, think quickly and show curiosity, work independently, is fond of playing with something in particular or likes to talk about a particular topic in depth. Do you have any other comments about your child? Thank you very much for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire. This information will be kept confidently to ensure your child’s needs are catered for in the best possible way. If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ